Meet the Expanding Empathy: Empathy & AI Speakers!

Meet the Expanding Empathy: Empathy & AI Speakers!

The event is in person at Foster Auditorium in the Paterno Library. It’s also hybrid on Zoom, and here is the registration link for that:

Tentative Conference Schedule (all times in Eastern Daylight Time)

10:00am-10:05am : Opening Remarks by Daryl Cameron

10:05am-11:00am: Panel 1: Use of Empathy in AI

Michael Inzlicht (University of Toronto), Anat Perry (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Jana Schaich Borg (Duke University)

11:00am-12:00pm: Panel 2: Digital Panel of Flash Talks

Jim A. C. Everett (University of Kent), Angelica Lim (Simon Fraser University), Agnieszka Wykowska (Institute Italiano di Tecnologia), Danica Dillion (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Ali Ladak (University of Edinburgh, Sentience Institute)

12:00-1:00pm: Lunch in the Atrium in Moore Building (Psychology)

1:00-2:00pm: Panel 3: Benchmarks for AI in Ethical Life

Madeline Reinecke (Oxford University), Gus Skorburg (University of Guelph), Brett Karlan (Purdue University)

2:00-3:00pm: Panel 4: Trusting in Robots and AI

Yochanan Bigman (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Alan Wagner (Penn State University), Jason D’Cruz (University at Albany)

3:00-3:50: Breakout Workshop Discussions

3:50-4:00: Closing Remarks by Daryl Cameron

Anat Perry
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Michael Inzlicht
University of Toronto
Jana Schaich Borg
Duke University
Yochanan Bigman
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Madeline Reinecke
Oxford University
Jason D'Cruz
University at Albany
Brett Karlan,
Purdue University
Gus Skorburg
University of Guelph
Alan Wagner
Penn State University
Jim A. C. Everett
University of Kent
Agnieszka Wykowska
Istitutio Italiano di Technologia
Angelica Lim
Simon Fraser University
Ali Ladak
University of Edinburgh and Sentience Institute
Danica Dillion
UNC Chapel Hill
Daryl Cameron
Penn State University

Episode Shared Courtesy of the Humanities Institute.