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Consortium on
Moral Decision-Making
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Inequality and Diversity
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Moral Interventions
Polarization and Morality
Daryl Cameron
Associate Professor in Psychology
Sherwin Early Career Professor in Rock Ethics Institute
Senior Research Associate in Rock Ethics Institute
Chris Beem
Managing Director, McCourtney Institute for Democracy
Moral Interventions
Polarization and Morality
Evan Bradley
Associate Professor of Psychology and Linguistics, Penn State Brandywine
Moral Interventions
Sarah Brothers
Assistant Professor, Sociology and Criminology
Inequality and Diversity
Laura Y. Cabrera
Associate Professor, ESM
Moral Interventions
Jeffrey Catchmark
Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Director, Graduate Studies
Affiliated Faculty of the The Rock Ethics Institute
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Blake Colaianne
Assistant Research Professor, Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center
Moral Interventions
Jonathan Daw
Associate Professor of Sociology & Demography, Sociology & Criminology Department
Moral Interventions
Tim Elmo Feiten
Assistant Teaching Professor of Philosophy
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Sebrina L. Doyle Fosco
Assistant Research Professor, Human Development and Family Studies
Moral Interventions
Karen Gasper
Associate Professor of Psychology
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Andrew High
Associate Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
Moral Interventions
John Iceland
Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Demography, Department of Sociology
Polarization and Morality
John A. Johnson
Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Penn State
Moral Interventions
Ben Jones
Assistant Director, Rock Ethics Institute
Inequality and Diversity
Polarization and Morality
Jennifer Kowalkowski
Assistant Professor, College of Nursing
Inequality and Diversity
Timothy Kwiatek
Assistant Teaching Professor of Philosophy
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Sean Laurent
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Moral Emotions and Decisions
James M. LeBreton
Professor, Psychology
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Francisco Javier Lopez Frias
Associate Professor, Kinesiology
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Sarah Mowrey
Graduate Student in Psychology
Mary Beth Oliver
Professor, Media Studies
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Polarization and Morality
Valentyna Pavlenko
Professor at the Applied Psychology Department, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Wiktoria Pedryc
Graduate Student in Psychology, Penn State
Inequality and Diversity
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Patrick Lee Plaisance
Don W. Davis Professor in Ethics, Bellisario College of Communications
David Puts
Professor of Anthropology
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Polarization and Morality
Gabriela Rivera
PhD Candidate, Management and Organization, Smeal College of Business
Moral Interventions
Emily Rosenman
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography
Inequality and Diversity
Ian Rowe-Nicholls
Graduate Student in Sociology
Inequality and Diversity
Becca Ruger
Graduate Student in Psychology and Social Data Analytics
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Robert William Schrauf
Professor of Applied Linguistics
Amit Sharma
School of Hospitality Management
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Michelle Sikes
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology, African Studies, and History
Inequality and Diversity
Eric Silver
Professor of Sociology and Criminology, Department of Sociology and Criminology
Polarization and Morality
Lisa Silvestri
Associate Teaching Professor, Communication Arts and Sciences
Polarization and Morality
Jose A. Soto
Associate Professor of Psychology
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Lena Surzhko Harned
Associate Teaching Professor, Political Science, and Associate Director, The Public Policy Initiative at Penn State Behrend
Inequality and Diversity
Polarization and Morality
Linda K. Trevino
Distinguished Professor of Organizational Behavior and Ethics, Management and Organization Dept., Smeal College of Business
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Jeff Ulmer
Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Polarization and Morality
Terri Vescio
Professor of Psychology
Inequality and Diversity
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Catherine Wanner
Professor of History, Anthropology, and Religious Studies
Polarization and Morality
Joshua Wenger
Graduate Student in Psychology
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Polarization and Morality
Faruk Yalcin
Graduate Student in Psychology
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Polarization and Morality
Yidan Yin
Assistant Professor in the Department of Management and Organization at the Smeal College of Business
Moral Emotions and Decisions
External Affiliates
Christian Beltran
Graduate Student in Psychological Science (Social/Personality) at the University of California, Irvine
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Nick Byrd
Bioethics and Decision Sciences, Geisinger College of Health Sciences
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Clara Civiero
Graduate Student in Social Psychology, Rutgers University
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Taya Cohen
Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Business Ethics, Carnegie Mellon University
Moral Emotions and Decisions
James Cornwell
Associate Professor of Psychology at Wheaton College
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Ryan Daley
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Gordon College
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Ahmed Gaara
External PhD candidate, Department of Business-Society Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Kerby Goff
Postdoc, Boniuk Institute (Sociology), Rice University
Polarization and Morality
Hyemin Han
Associate Professor in Educational Psychology and Neuroscience and Educational Psychology MA/PhD Program Coordinator at the University of Alabama
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Moral Interventions
Kyle Law
Post-Doctoral Associate at Boston College
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Moral Interventions
Josh May
Professor of Philosophy (and Psychology) at the University of Alabama at Birmingham
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Jillian Meyer
PhD Student in Social Psychology and Cognitive Science at Indiana University Bloomington
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Lauren O’Rourke
Graduate Student in American Politics, University of Arizona
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Polarization and Morality
Martina Orlandi
Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Trent University Durham, Canada
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Polarization and Morality
Joshua Rottman
Associate Professor of Psychology and Scientific & Philosophical Studies of Mind at Franklin & Marshall College
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Karina Schumann
Associate Professor of Psychology and Direct of Conflict Resolution Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh
Moral Interventions
Polarization and Morality
Madhulika Shastry
Graduate Student in Psychology, UNC Chapel Hill
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Jeanine L. Skorinko
Professor of Psychology, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the Department of Social Science and Policy Studies
Adam Smiley
Social Psychologist, Belmont College
Larisa Heiphetz Solomon
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Columbia University in the City of New York
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Moral Interventions
Daniel Sperling
Associate Professor in bioethics and Head of the Master's Program in Nursing in the Department of Nursing at the University of Haifa, Israel
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Moral Interventions
Stylianos Syropoulos
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society and the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Boston College
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Raluca D. Szekely-Copîndean
Research Scientist at the Department of Social & Human Research, Romanian Academy
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Andy Vonasch
Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Canterbury, in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Meltem Yucel
Postdoctoral Fellow funded by the NIH (NRSA; F32) at Duke University's Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Moral Emotions and Decisions
Consortium on
Moral Decision-Making
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